Indicated projects have been completed with the following consultant: 1 William Roderick Crocker Architect │ 2 BKDI Architects │ 3 Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Engineering │ 4 BCMP Architects (now Omicron) │ 5 Gunn Architecture │ 6 Gordon Murray Architect │ 7 Delia Designs │ 8 Sawbrand Design │ 9 David Watkin Architect │ 10 Maxwell Bailey Mcinerney & Associates │ 11 Otto Hammer – Landscape Architect │ 12 KIA Architecture │ 13 Sippola Engineering Services │ 14 MMC Engineering │ 15 Al Neufeld Engineering │ 16 J.Turcaso Engineering Ltd │ 17 Steve Holomis │ 18 Insite licensed interior design Studio Inc. │ 19 Bravo! Design │ 20 Brook Melchin Architect │ 21 BLOCK Interior Design Inc. │ 22 Merchant Architecture Inc. │ 23 Terry Arnett Architect
Undesignated projects are completed by Murray Lawrence/Lawrence Contracting and/or 1838 ProjectX Div of 1838766 Alberta Ltd.