Portfolio of Stunning Construction and Renovation Projects done by 1838 ProjectX in Alberta

Browse Our Portfolio of Stunning Construction and Renovation Projects

Portfolio of Stunning Construction and Renovation Projects done by 1838 ProjectX in Alberta

Browse Our Portfolio of Stunning Construction and Renovation Projects

A Visual Showcase of Our Excellence in Design and Drafting.

Indicated projects have been completed with the following consultant: 1 William Roderick Crocker Architect │ 2 BKDI Architects │ 3 Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Engineering │ 4 BCMP Architects (now Omicron) │ 5 Gunn Architecture │ 6 Gordon Murray Architect │ 7 Delia Designs │ 8 Sawbrand Design │ 9 David Watkin Architect │ 10 Maxwell Bailey Mcinerney & Associates │ 11 Otto Hammer – Landscape Architect │ 12 KIA Architecture │ 13 Sippola Engineering Services │ 14 MMC Engineering │ 15 Al Neufeld Engineering │ 16 J.Turcaso Engineering Ltd │ 17 Steve Holomis │ 18 Insite licensed interior design Studio Inc. │ 19 Bravo! Design │ 20 Brook Melchin Architect │ 21 BLOCK Interior Design Inc. │ 22 Merchant Architecture Inc. │ 23 Terry Arnett Architect

Undesignated projects are completed by Murray Lawrence/Lawrence Contracting and/or 1838 ProjectX Div of 1838766 Alberta Ltd.